Wednesday, May 6, 2009


As Final's week comes to a close, I dig deep to find that feeling of accomplishment. Nothing. Even though I am finished with tests and projects, blogs, papers, and quizzes, I do not feel "DONE." To take the a step further, I am done with college, graduating on Friday although I can not attend the ceremony because I will be in Grand Junction, CO competeing in the Regional tournament for tennis. So if I were to attend the ceremony, would I feel 'done'? Chances are NO! A friend pointed out, 'Maybe it's because you are still going to practice every day and playing tennis so since that hasn't ended yet you still feel like you are in the same routine." This is a great point. One that I had considered but never really paid too much attention to. Another fact is I am not moving out of my house so the huslte and bustle of packing, like I had experienced the past three years when school was out, just wasn't there this year. Perhaps it is the fact that tennis hasn't come to a close for me yet. Let's hope that this weekend doesn't end it either. Should we win two matches this weekend we proceed to Nationals in Florida!!! What a wonderful graduation present, I think!